You may have seen those little orange RSS or XML buttons around the Internet. If you were wondering what they are...

I haven't a clue - just kidding! - It's "the next big thing" - you can use it to get news feeds from BBC or CNN, as well as just about anything else, including news on upcoming movies, DVD releases, your favorite musician's tour updates, etc.

Once you get started, it's like having your favorite parts of the Web come to you. No need to go out and check for updates all the time. Whenever I put up a new page, update an old one or have some magical news I release it through RSS.

"RSS" means "Really Simple Syndication". What it means to you is that when you subscribe to a site that has an RSS feed (like mine), you can keep up-to-date without having to check the site every day or week.

Yes, RSS is amazing. No email. No spam. It's so easy to subscribe and unsubscribe. If you get tired of me (which I hope you won't!) you just have to delete the feed. It's great!

How do you get started? Easy!

Use a FREE RSS Reader like Feedly.


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