These are the magic secrets professional magicians don't want you to know - magic tricks exposed!
"Who Else Wants To Learn Easy, Amazing, Magic Tricks Exposed. Effects & Illusions That Will Turn You Into A Magic Mogul With Your Friends & Family,
Almost Overnight?"
If You Answered "Yes" To The Above Question Then Click The "Play" Button Below For A Very Special *Audio* Message...

"Some Amazing Facts About Learning Magic ...And why you shouldn't even think about learning magic until you read every word of this letter!"
1. Magic is easy to learn and doesn't take years of practice to master. (It's true, but professional magicians don't want you to know this!)
2. The best magic secrets are closely guarded by the professionals, so they can look better than you when they perform. (Until now that is! :-)
3. You can start learning magic at any age young or old.
From: Simon Crack
Subject: Magic Tricks Exposed
Dear Friend,
If you can spare a couple of hours of your time, I'll show you how to quickly and easily amaze even the most skeptical person with some truly stunning professional magic tricks exposed.
...even if you've never done a single magic trick in your entire life.
Because that's how long my top secret 50+ page eBook is likely to take you to read. And when you do, you'll be
BLOWN AWAY with how easy it is to learn stunning, professional magic tricks exposed.
Here's just some of what you'll discover...
Levitation techniques that magicians like David Blaine and Criss Angel use everyday to stun their audiences.

Gruesome effects where it "seems like" you saw into your neck with a piece of thread. Another trick sees you push a pen right through your forearm! Disgusting, disturbing but safe and fun!
Perform David Blaine's signature effect and take an empty, crushed soda can and restore it to pristine condition.

Take a coin and literally push it inside a sealed bottle. An absolute classic of magic not to be missed.
"This eBook Should Not Be Allowed"
"I have been a pro Illusionist for over 30 years, this eBook should not be allowed it gives too much away, it's about the best value book ever for a person to learn from, the writer will never get into the Magic Circle after publishing this!"
Carl De Rome, Professional Magician, Norway. |
Attempting to learn these powerful effects elsewhere would take years of tedious research trawling through countless hard to find publications. Add to that the
$1000's you'd probably spend. That's why I decided to put together...
The Mind Blowing Magic Collection

These breakthrough effects are
GUARANTEED to make you the talk of the town ...with very little practice needed.
I know that's a bold promise and it might sound a little "over the top" ...but it's true,
and I can back up every word.
Here are three good reasons to believe me when I tell you your friends and family will be amazed at your new talents.
ONE: 354 other magicians have already read and successfully performed the same magic tricks exposed you'll be learning in this eBook.
TWO: In the past 8 weeks alone, over 3920 people have signed up to receive my exclusive Magic Trick newsletter.
THREE: I'm the only person in the magic community that will let you keep his entire eBook FREE if it doesn't work for you.
If you do not think this is the best magic purchase you have EVER MADE bar none, you can get a refund.
(Nobody else in is willing to put their "money where their mouth is" like this...)
The bottom line is this: I know your going to love learning these amazing magic tricks exposed 100% guaranteed ...just like the 354 other magicians before you.

If you have tried other magic products in the past but not really learned anything of true worth, then try my eBook, it's different.

If you have spent
$$$$ on other products that promise one thing then simply do not deliver - give my eBook a go, it's not like anything you have ever read before.

If you are only slightly interested in learning magic and want to make sure it's right for you,
try my eBook you will be amazed.
"Great Tricks"
"Simon, Really liked the eBook, some great tricks and excellent step by step guides as to how to maximise the effect. Cheers for a great purchase :)"
Alex Mensforth, West Yorkshire UK. |
My eBook is now in it's second edition. A newer never before seen compilation of some of the
VERY BEST magic tricks exposed. Each and every effect has been chosen because it is
EASY TO LEARN and gets
FANTASTIC reactions from anyone you perform to.

This eBook has been used by over 354 magicians. The reason why it's so popular is simple:
These Magic Tricks Exposed
Are Reputation Makers!
You see I have been performing these very tricks for many years. With this eBook I have taken the trial and error approach away from you. I have simply included the effects which are easy to learn and get the best reactions.
Why bother reading 1000's of books, pages and pages of 'filler' for the odd good trick? My magic tricks exposed eBook is the only one you will ever need to read for 50+ quality, amazing magic tricks exposed in one place.
I'm sure you have seen the sort of reactions
David Blaine or
Criss Angel get when performing magic on the street, well you can get these too and it will not take you years of practice either.
Here's just a taste of the effects you'll master:
INSTANT RUBIK'S CUBE SOLVE: How to solve a Rubik's Cube in 1 second. (To put this into perspective the world record is just under 10!)
ARM TWIST: An amazingly simple technique to enable you to twist your hand and arm a full 360 degrees. Just like Blaine.
COIN MANIPULATION: Make coins magically stick together and stand to attention at will.
COIN IN CAN: Slam a signed coin into a sealed soda can. One of the best impromptu effects ever devised.
CUT & RESTORED CURRENCY: Take two ordinary bills and place them together, cut them totally in half then restore them to pristine condition. (Hint: Yes you really do cut the notes!)
CARD EFFECTS: Extremely simple and more advanced card tricks you can pull out at your next poker game!
SELF FOLDING BILL: Make an ordinary bill fold up into a tiny packet in the palm of your hand. Perform this the next time you are paying for something at your local store!
HAUNTED KEY: Take an ordinary household key and make it move, as if by magic. But it doesn't just move it actually rotates in your hand or on your fingertip totally unsupported! As performed by Paul Daniels.
BOTTLE CAP LEVITATION: Take any ordinary bottle top and cause it to levitate in mid air. Pass your hands all around it to prove nothing is supporting it. For the finale the cap floats through a solid ring!
PULSE STOP: You read that right, literally stop the pulse in your wrists. So fun to perform at parties and totally harmless!
iCard Trick: Make a spectators chosen card appear on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Shake your iPhone and it comes back out again, but it is miniaturized! This effect floors people.
And that's not nearly all.
You'll discover much more in this rare and candid magic tricks exposed eBook.
And what's really great is that..
You Can Be Learning These Amazing Magic Tricks Exposed
In The Next 30 Seconds!!
You can order this amazing eBook package right now and actually start discovering these magic tricks exposed within 30 seconds... yes, that is right...
WITHIN 30 SECONDS you can be mastering the techniques that'll transform you into a great magician.
This eBook is an ELECTRONIC book, not a real book you hold. You just click on the link given after payment and download your PDF file and read your ebook, simple.
My magic tricks exposed eBook collection is provided in Adobe PDF format. This format is used because it is readable on multiple platforms, including MAC and Windows computers.
All you need is Adobe Reader which is a free application you probably have on your computer already. If not instructions will be provided to download it for free.
Plus You'll Get ANOTHER Two Limited Bonuses FREE When You Order My Magic Tricks Exposed Course By Midnight!
FREE Bonus #1 ($47 Value): Encyclopedia of Card Tricks
This is a massive eBook covering a great many card magic tricks exposed. If you are a card magic fan this is not to be missed.
This rare book is now out of print ...and can only be found here on this very website.
It's impossible to put a price on the information it contains ...but it's yours free when you place your order before midnight!
FREE Bonus #2 ($25 Value): Five Video Tutorials For Download.
For another added bonus I am including
FIVE free download video tutorials. Some people learn better reading others watching, so if you're the latter you're going to love these effects. Watch me do the trick, then I show you how to do it, and remember you can download them to your computer and keep them forever!
These bonus tricks have been devised especially so you can recoup your investment in this course. Use these tricks as 'proposition bets' to your friends and family. For example
"I bet you five bucks I can make this coin vanish". You could make
$$$'s in no time with these magic tricks exposed...
1. KILLER COIN VANISH - One of the most clean coin vanishes ever devised. Make a borrowed coin literally melt into thin air. Both hands are shown to be completely empty front and back, but at any time you can make it reappear.
2. RISING CARD - Another classic of magic, learn an easy way to make a spectators chosen card rise magically from within the deck. Very cool.
3. SPOON BENDING - Want to be Uri Geller? With this trick you can bend a spoon then restore it in a blink of an eye.
4. CARD ON HAND BALANCE - Take an ordinary playing card that is totally unprepared and balance it on the back of your hand. Spectators will find it impossible to copy you.
5. FRENCH DROP COIN VANISH V2 - Think you know how to perform the french drop coin vanish? Think again. Watch an old trick get reinvented!
"Bargain Price & No Postage"
"Hi Simon, What can I say you pay you get your magic within the hour, very good way for you and for the customer at a bargain price and no postage. Please let me know when you release some more magic tricks in this way. Many thanks, keep up the good work!"
Rod Win, Essex UK. |
Click Here To Place Your Secure Order And Get Instant Access!
Ordering Is Safe, Easy And Secure.
Like I said earlier, you can place your order right now and be reading this entire magic tricks exposed eBook and bonus material 30 seconds later.
The way it works is simple and fast.
Just click one of the blue links (like this one:
Order Now) then "ADD TO CART" and you'll be taken to my 100% secure order page.
As soon as your order is processed (takes about 30 seconds), you'll be taken to the "Download Page" where you can instantly download the main eBook and all bonus material.
This eBook course reveals the same closely guarded secrets that have transformed 354 other people into magicians ...and continue to be used by an average of 10 new people per day.
Click here to order right away and start learning amazing magic today. You'll be thrilled with how fast, fun and easy it is to learn all these magic tricks exposed.
This book normally sells for $97 in it's offline "physical" format.
But thanks to a special arrangement I've made with the publisher and thanks to the fact that we've made the entire course so that you can download it to your computer, I'm able to offer it to you for only $37.
That's a savings of $60.00!
But even at a higher price, it'd be a bargain because this eBook teaches you the tricks professional magician's do not want you to know, period!
I know from first hand, personal experience that it does and I'm so confident you'll love it that I'm offering the following guarantee:
You will be amazing your friends and family literally overnight or else I'll give you 100% of your money back and still let You Keep The eBook and Bonus Material for FREE! |
You heard me correctly. This amazing magic tricks exposed eBook contains amazing effects. And I stand behind it 100%.
If you aren't absolutely thrilled with it for any reason (or for no reason at all) just let me know and I'll give you a full refund with no questions asked.
But the entire system is still yours to keep FREE forever.
There are no questions asked, no "wiggle clauses" and no funny business.
Either you love it or you get a refund
and keep it free. Wouldn't it be great if everything came with this kind of guarantee?
So, click here and get your discounted copy of my "Mind Blowing Magic Tricks Collection" that is going to make you a sure fire magician in no time. You have absolutely no risk...and everything to gain!
You'll be thrilled with my "Mind Blowing Magic Tricks Collection" ...and you'll be overjoyed by how fun and easy it is to learn each and every effect in this eBook.
Click here and get instant access right now.
"Great Value"
"Your eBooks are written in such a way that it makes learning these tricks so easy. I was performing them and getting killer reactions the day after receiving them. They would be great value at twice the price!"
Steven - Illusionist, Australia. |
"Excellent eBook"
"You'll kick yourself when you find out how simple some of the tricks are after you've seen them done. I’ve already bought some of these tricks before buying this eBook. Some of them i.e. the crushed and restored coke can and the cut and restored currency I paid £10 ($20) each for. So this is a bargain!"
Jimi Todd, Tyne & Wear UK. |
You may think this magic tricks exposed eBook is not right for you, and that's cool, no worries. But if you do thinks it's right that's cool also, you can order it below...
 Give me instant access to the Mind Blowing Magic Tricks Exposed Collection. I understand that I am receiving this eBook plus all Bonuses by acting quickly today.
Thank You for protecting my purchase with your 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee. |
Wishing you success in your performances!
Simon Crack
(Fellow Magic Enthusiast)
P.S. After midnight, I know I'll be raising the price and removing the bonus material. So if you're at all interested, you should buy right now.
Click here and steal your copy while you still can.
P.P.S. Just a final reminder that you really need to act now because tomorrow this eBook could be pulled off the market forever. And I'll be unable to respond to any emails begging me to sell just one more copy.
Click here to secure your discounted Magic Tricks Exposed Course right now.
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