Vegetable Trick!

by Thomas
(Birmingham, UK)

THE EFFECT: You ask the spectator 9-10 simple maths questions e.g. 2+2, 3x5, 9-7 etc. You then tell the spectator that you will write down the name of a vegetable on a piece of paper and when they say their vegetable, it will match and it does!

THE SECRET: The first thing you have to do is to write on one side of a piece of paper "CELERY" and on the other side "CARROT". You then ask them the ten simple maths questions to get their brain warmed up. When you ask them to name a vegetable 80-90% of the time they will say Carrot and if they don't, the odds are that they will say Celery instead. HOW COOL!

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Dec 22, 2011
Mind Trick
by: EgavasLuap

I too have done this all over the world and it does work. However, I would argue the the more alcohol the target has consumed the less likely you are to get the correct answer - "carrot". In addition, my success rate is a bit higher than most state here but I do it a little differently than described. How I do it I am not sharing!

Finally, the issue surrounding the second most stated veggie varies with locale - as noted. In Florida it's peas (fruit) or broccoli (flower). Elsewhere tomatoes (fruit), brussel sprouts etc.

But when it works - boy does it get attention! Especially from the good looking bartender you're sitting trying to impress! LOL

Sep 14, 2011
Carrot then Tomato
by: Anonymous

I have been doing this all over the world (I am from the mid-western US) since 1985, when a high school teacher did it to the whole class. Most often the answer is carrot (maybe 70%), then Tomato (about 15%), then the remainder is too infrequent to guess which comes next. Once, while in Japan, I did this to a group of guys, most wrote down the the Japanese word for carrot. I have probably done this well over 100 times to groups, maybe a total of 200 or 300 people. Pretty amazing! I usually ask math questions where the answer is the number six (6). If you have never tried it, write carrot and tomato (some say it is really a fruit), on opposite sides of a piece of paper, then ask the math questions, have them write their answer, if there is more than one person. Great bar trick. The more drunk the person is, the better it seems!

Mar 13, 2011
it works!
by: kaylee

it works i've tryed it on my mom and she really said celery!

Jan 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

Also if you ask them to think of a coulor they will usually say blue.
And if you ask them for a shape they will usually say triangle

Jul 01, 2009
Not bad though
by: Debayan India celery is nt at all popular . So for me it des nt quite work everytime . Only once i was successful :(

Jun 12, 2009
Doesn't work
by: Anonymous

This never works!! They say broccoli a lot!!

Feb 02, 2009
Worked for me
by: Anonymous


Nov 12, 2008
by: Anonymous

great trick by myself, lol. but if you do this in the UK then the second most popular answer is broccoli, the celery is mainly said in canada.

Nov 05, 2008
guy who posted last comment
by: Anonymous

i did it again and it worked they said carrot.

Nov 03, 2008
didnt work
by: Anonymous

they said broccoli

Nov 03, 2008
Sounds cool...
by: Simon

But does it work? Everyone try it and report back! Thanks for sharing ;-)

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