Vanishing Card

by Siki

THE EFFECT: You show a normal deck of cards to the spectator and get them to select and memorize the card. You place the card on top of the deck, you cut the deck and then you say ABRACADABRA!, you click your fingers and the card has totally vanished from the deck.

THE SECRET: The secret is very simple. You just need a piece of double sided tape on the top card of the deck.

TIP: If you shuffle the deck, you have to make sure you keep the top card on top.

When the spectators card is placed on top of the deck it sticks to the top card to make a double card. When you fan through the deck it will look as though the spectators card has vanished!

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Aug 27, 2008
High Impact-BOOM!!!!
by: Debayan

Simple, like it...Marvelous... Excellent! Please leave a comment on my Deck Colour Change trick. Hope you like it!

Jun 15, 2008
Simple Trick
by: Gab

A very simple and old trick.

May 12, 2008
I love the simplicity!
by: Simon

Thanks Siki. I really like the simplicity of the effect. This is a great way of making a card vanish from the deck. I especially like the image you uploaded too!

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