The Penny Tails

by Real McCoy
(Rossville, Ga)

THE EFFECT: The magician spins a penny on the table and it comes down tails at least 95 times out of a hundred spins.

THE SECRET: Get a 1959D penny the edges on it are a little larger than other pennies. Spin the coin instead of flipping it, and when it is through spinning it will come down on tails almost every time.

TIP: Spin the coin on a slick surface like a bar or something made of formica and it will work even better.

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Nov 03, 2011
by: andrew downs

thats a good trick that ive used thousands of times and fooled them every time perfect at a party

Nov 23, 2009
by: anonamous

where can a young magician get a 1959d penny ....the trick has to much complication!

Aug 01, 2009
Purcharsing a 1959D penny
by: Anonymous

All you guys have to do is go to a coin shop and they have 1959D pennies by the hundreds they will probably charge you about a nickol or dime for one of them, and don,t forget you spin the penny instead of flipping it and do it on a slick surface, you will be amazed how many times it will come up tails.
The Real McCoy

Jul 01, 2009
by: Anonymous

where r we supposed 2 get a 1959D coin from????? And btw, if u r usin a fake / cheat item then its not really a magic trick then, is it???

Apr 20, 2009
yeh rite
by: lol

were the heck are we ever going to find a 1959D penny or w/e

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