Impossible Prediction

THE EFFECT: You ask a spectator to think of a shape. Looking into their eyes you take a piece of paper and write down a prediction of what you think their shape is.

When you have finished writing your prediction you fold up the paper and ask them what their prediction was, they say it, you look nervous and place your prediction into a glass.

You then ask them to pick a number, you write down your prediction fold the paper up and place that into the glass. You ask them what their prediction was. They tell you and you look even more nervous!

Finally you have them pick out a playing card from the deck. You write your prediction on a piece of paper, put it in the glass and again they tell you it. Looking worried you ask them to remove all the pieces of paper and reveal that ALL YOUR predictions all are absolutely correct!

THE SECRET: First get the deck of cards and put a certain card that you have memorised on the bottom of the deck. You are now set. When you tell the spectator to pick a shape you actually write down the card you placed on the bottom of the deck (they think you are drawing a shape) write a small number 3 on it for reference and put into the glass.

Now you tell them to pick a number and while pretending to write the number actually write down the shape they picked before. Write a small number 2 on this for reference and put into the glass.

Finally you ask the spectator to pick a card however you need to force the bottom card on the spectator. The easiest way to do this is to ask them to cut the cards and place the bottom half on top of the deck sideways to 'finish the cut'. Get them to look at the card they cut to which in actual fact will be the bottom card!

Ask them to memorize the card and while you are pretending to write down their card actually write down the number they picked before. Write a small number 1 on the paper for reference and put it in the glass. All that is left for you to do is reveal that all of your predictions are correct!

Because you have been one step ahead from the beginning with the force you are able to write down the predictions AFTER they tell you. However your spectator is totally unaware of this fact and think your have made the prediction BEFORE they tell you.

TIP: Numbering the predictions 1-3 helps subconsciously enforce that the shape was chosen first, the number second and the card third. Even though you have written them in reverse order!

TIP: Make sure the numbers are written small and in the corder of the paper, so they can not be confused with the actual predictions which should be written large in the middle of the paper.

TIP: Every time you write your prediction, nervously asking the spectator what their prediction was it makes it seem like you are not sure whether you are correct. So the final revelation is that much more hard hitting!

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Jan 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

Silence. BAYUM.

Mar 18, 2011
how to make it more efficient
by: Anonymous

For people having trouble to force a card:
Use a svengali deck (it is very easy to use, inexpensive and reliable).

Another hint: Why not asking 3 different people to choose a drawing/a number and a card. This is even more deceptive, they will eliminate the possibility of an arrangement with a partner in the audience.

Sep 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

love it man!

Jun 27, 2010
The riddling comments
by: The riddler

At first the trick was confusing, but then I got it a minute later. I am going to try it on my cousin then my aunt. I have a riddle to whoever is reading this -- > What breaks every time someone talks? Well I am not telling u guys the answer because the answer is on a different comment on a different magic trick. So good luck trying to answer the riddle. Here is a hint: It's on the picture of the type of trick of a bottle cap.

Jun 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

i cant understanding it
can any one write it simply in few words !

please .,

Feb 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

seems like a really cool trick, but could someone explain how you get the subject to pick the bottom card? please

Jan 29, 2010
by: Mohammad

Haha, I Really Like The Trick!! It's Amazing.. Really Nice Trick =)

Nov 18, 2009
by: Anonymous

I am going to try it now.

Nov 04, 2009
do it with only cards
by: Anonymous

briljant trick you can use this to with asking the spectator to pick random cards from a deck while you tell them what card they will take out
end stunning amazing it works end its very easy

secret: you put 1 card hidden somewhere end ask the spectator to pick a random card pretending its a random card then dont make them look at the card end tell them there very good in it then ask them to take another card(this will be the card your spectator picked at first) then redo this as long you want end finaly say then il take one also. then you simply take the card you had hidden while pretending to take the last card the spectator randomly picked for you

Jul 25, 2009
Wow! what a nice trick!
by: Anonymous

I should use this trick by adding some of my styles in it. It's a really nice trick. Bravo!

Jun 25, 2009
Small error?
by: Anonymous

in the trick, it was referenced as:
3: card
2: shape
1: number

but the trick is in the shape, number, card order.
so shouldn't it be 1: shape 2: number 3: card?

This is just in cause the audience sees the small reference number.
Otehrwise, Great trick!

Jan 02, 2009
Hindi maganda
by: Anonymous


Nov 20, 2008
by: Kurt

This is a brilliant trick!

Oct 10, 2008
Good trick
by: Anonymous

I do not fully understand the explanation but it seems like a good trick.

Jun 10, 2008
Great Trick!
by: Simon

Very cool trick. I used to have a similar effect that I purchased but this is cool because it is FREE! Cheers for sharing.

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