Forks Balancing on Thoothpicks
by Jose
THE EFFECT: The magician is able to balance two forks on only two toothpicks and a salt shaker.
THE SECRET: The actual trick is not as hard as it sounds. First interlock the two forks. After that put one toothpick in the middle of both forks where they interlock.
Put a toothpick standing upright in a salt shaker at the other end of the first toothpick (see picture). At this point you should have an equal balance.
If you want remove the toothpick from the salt shaker holding the toothpick at the bottom and feel free to move it around the table, letting others hold the toothpick - it's up to you!
This is a really simple trick that is not well known and is a good way to amaze people at a dinner party.