Effect: A chosen card is found in the deck five cards away from a key card.
Secret: One of the fives is placed face-up at the bottom of the deck with the four face-down aces under it. The face-up five and the aces are not shown when the spectator chooses their card.
Performance: A spectator picks a card(not any of the five listed in the secret above) and places it face-down on top of the deck. The cards are the cut and the bottom(cut to) part of the deck is placed on top of the chosen card. Spread the cards face-down on a table and reveal the face-up five and ask the spectator if the five is their card(it's not). Tell the spectator that their card is five cards away from the five. Pull the still face-down aces out and reveal the next card to be the chosen card. Flip over the aces as well.