by Alec
(New York City)
THE EFFECT: You have a deck of cards and your spectator tells you to stop ANY TIME they want and without looking at the card you show it to your spectator and are able to tell them what card they have chosen...WORKS EVERY TIME.
THE SECRET: You need to stack the deck, that is you arrange the deck card value from least to greatest, so 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 then jack, queen, king finally aces at the top of the pack.
You also need to arrange them from spades, heart, clubs, then diamonds. Remember the order! All you have to do is remember the order and mentally count through the cards as you tell your spectator to say stop and show them the card. You take a glance at the card that was on top of the card they picked.
Let's say they picked a card and the card you glimpsed at was the 5 of diamonds you should know that there card is the 5 of clubs!
TIP: A few false shuffles will convince your spectator that the deck is mixed.